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Blood of Anteros by Georgia Cates.

Title: Blood of Anteros (The Vampire Agápe #1)
Author: Georgia Cates
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publication Date: 21st September 2011
Description: Cruel circumstances turned Curry Brennan into the wretched monster he hates and refuses to accept, but when an expected turn of events releases him from the bond of his obsessive maker, he returns to the home he knew 161 years earlier and finds the return of happiness and joy in something he didn’t know existed. Puzzled by his growing attraction to Chansey Leclaire, a human, he is unable to resist the captivating relationship that threatens to reveal his existence as a vampire. He eventually discovers the reason he was destined to find what he didn’t know he searched for and is faced with the cruel realization that the living and the immortal undead will always be separated by one thing. Eternity.

Be sure to check out the book trailer for Blood of Anteros on my Goodreads profile page or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LbJpi...

{ Review }

I was really surprised by the opening passages of this novel. The cover is just so fantastically beautiful that I had in my mind a form that I thought this book would take, but I was completely wrong. The beginning of this novel is so intriguing and right from the onset the author is setting you up for something big to happen later in the novel. The first chapter was just so mysterious, I couldn't stop reading and the writing of this book is absolutely mesmerising.

I never really understood it when characters in books talked of people (vampires) looking young but seemingly wise beyond their years until now. Curry is a young man but something about him makes it seem like he's a lot older than that. The book is written from his perspective so we are hearing the thoughts of a vampire who's over one hundred years old and it's really strange because usually we read a book through the experiences of the human. I was really surprised by the fact that this book was written from the male perspective. Most of the paranormal romances I've read have been from a woman's perspective, in fact, I don't think I've ever read a paranormal romance from the male POV. This was really interesting and refreshing because it meant that immediately it was different from all the others and it was the female character that was the intriguing one.

I liked that even though this is a 'paranormal romance', the paranormal aspect wasn't that overbearing. In fact, at times I completely forgot that Curry was even a vampire. This was unusual for me because in most of the other vampire books I've read, the fact that the characters were vampires was an extremely prominent feature that the author sort of forced upon you at every turn, but this was different. The paranormal elements are quite subtle and this made the whole plot seem more realistic, something that is quite hard to do when you're talking about the supernatural in this day and age.

I've read too many books recently where the characters fall in love instantaneously and frankly I was starting to get a little bored of romances. Blood of Anteros; however, has broken that streak because the relationship between the two main characters, Curry and Chansey, actually develops. There is a real build up throughout the novel and the story unfolds slowly and carefully, keeping you interested throughout the whole novel.

I tried to read this book at my normal pace but for some reason I just couldn't. I had to read every single word, slowly and carefully because I didn't want to miss a single detail. This slowness isn't a bad thing, it just meant that I was caught under this book's spell and it wanted me to read every single letter and it was impossible for me to even try to speed up. I found it kind of annoying that the book had that sort of power over me and it was really strange because I've never really encountered a book that set out a pace that I couldn't break.

I thought this would be just like those other vampire books popping up all over the place, but it really wasn't and for that I am so glad.  This book is absolutely gripping and I would highly recommend it to all fans of paranormal romance.

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